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Company Leaders

BHHS Professional Realty

It’s no secret that our associates work tirelessly to succeed & produce amazing results year over year. Our Realtor Spotlight highlights the talent of these agents while allowing you, the homeowner, to learn more about their assets to our team, personal endeavors and professional skills. There’s another group who deserves a round of applause for the contributions they make day in and day out to provide best in class service to all our clients. Behind the scenes is our hardworking corporate team, business coordinators & managers across Ohio & Northern Kentucky. These individuals directly impact our company’s operations & we would love for you to get to know them.

In this new series, we’re featuring the leaders of BHHS Professional Realty who support our associates through business transactions & professional advancement. Each month we will feature a few of these individuals on a randomized basis. Let’s start off with two of our managers who oversee associates in Lima and Centerville, Ohio.

Tim Parker

Tim is the Regional Manager of our Lima, Ohio office. He has grown this regional center from ground up & we are excited to see what is yet to come from the ambitious bunch of associates he leads.

How would you describe your leadership style?

“Available - Everyone understands that I am available for questions, one-on-one training, or to discuss both personal and professional goal achievement. I meet individually with each agent to understand what their goals are and we develop a plan to achieve them that includes methods and tools that they are now using, and new methods and tools that I think might help them work more efficiently. I also give praise publicly and punishment in private - both in a straightforward and honest manner.”

Describe a time when you made an impact on an associate.

“I once discovered that an agent was satisfied with eating a commission shortage on a small deal. It only took me a single phone call to the listing broker and I recovered the $90 shortage. The agent was very pleased that I and her company had her back and were willing to go to bat for her.”

If you weren’t a real estate agent what career path would you take?

“I loved my previous profession which involved visiting construction sites all over North America. I miss it, but the travel impeded so many facets of my life that the negatives outweighed the positives. Real estate offers me the same type of adventures, but in a miniature and more controllable way.”

What advice have you been given by mentors that you would pass along to other leaders?

“It's real estate - not life and death.”

Tell me about any professional accomplishments, awards or honor.

“I am most proud of the everyday rewards that I receive through interactions with my clients, staff, and agents. The biggest rewards and accomplishments are when someone "gets it", when they becomes relaxed through their trusting of me, or when someone takes actions beyond their comfort zone.”

If you could have dinner with anyone at all, who would it be & why?

“Larry Gelwix - This guy coached a club rugby team to a career record of 408-10-6 over 27 years. There is no one that I can think of who has the record of leadership and inspiration to achieve such an inconceivable career record.”

If you were starting a company tomorrow what would the top 3 core values for your company be?

“Collaboration, Integrity, Perseverance”

If you could ask Warren Buffett one question what would it be?

“What investment was your worst decision and why?”

Cabernet or Cream?


Would you say you’re a better listener or conversationalist?


What Tim’s associates have to say:

“Tim is a larger than life leader both in physical stature and personality. He leads his agents with compassion, kindness, and provides specific action steps to his agents to help them achieve their goals.”

Maura Schmitt

Maura oversees our Centerville office as Regional Manager. Her primary focus is recruiting new agents and watching them grow while being creative in helping them achieve their goals.

How would you describe your leadership style?

“I'm definitely not a helicopter manager. My style compliments those who aren't afraid to have skin in the game and those who invest time to truly learn rather than jumping head first not knowing what they're doing. I appreciate those who play by the rules. Especially, in our industry. I view a glass as half full and don't like hearing negative self-talk or doom and gloom. However, I must say, when I'm concerned about one of my agents who may be going through a difficult time it does weigh on me and keeps me up at night. I really do care about them.”

Describe a time when you made an impact on an associate.

“At a happy hour with someone who I knew as an acquaintance for many years. He shared an idea with me about a book topic he wanted to write about. He was more or less a reserved man with a type A personality, who had just recently divorced. To be honest, I don't recall the conversation, but I do remember his confidence was low. He wrote the book, got it published and told me that I inspired him to do it by words of encouragement that I gave him regarding his background.”

If you weren’t a real estate agent what career path would you take?

“I'd own a day spa. I should have done this a long time ago.”

What advice have you been given by mentors that you would pass along to other leaders?

“Always question your assumptions.”

Tell me about any professional accomplishments, awards or honors.

“I really am not a good bragger. Many of my greatest successes are from my previous career, so I am more laid back than what I used to be. It’s rewarding for me to help a brand new agent grow to hit their goals after recruiting them.”

If you could have dinner with anyone at all, who would it be & why?

“Bono - I admire his passion for those with less. Not to mention, he's Irish and I've been a big fan of his band since I was 15.”

If you were starting a company tomorrow what would the top 3 core values for your company be?

“Integrity, Passion and Fun”

If you could ask Warren Buffett one question what would it be?

“30 years ago, is there something fun or perceived as frivolous that perhaps you should have just spent some money on?”

Cabernet or Cream?


Would you say you’re a better listener or conversationalist?

“This is a hard one. For the most part, I am a better listener. Although, I'm very social. Often times I like to observe and see if the conversation is worth me chiming into.”

What Maura’s associates have to say:

“Maura could not be more helpful in providing industry knowledge. Her creativity in providing solutions in difficult selling scenarios makes her an important asset to our management team.”



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